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Features / Usability

Search engine

posts: 2 France

Hello !

I'm struggling with Tiki search engine.
My Tiki is a simple database with structures and wiki articles.

I've created a search engine module on top of my website, and I want this search bar to scan the inside of my articles, and not just the titles or the article description.
I searched on the options and looked it up on the forums but I couldn't find no answer.

Is there a way to enable search for the entiriety of the articles ?

Please note that I am not a developper, I only know the basics.
Feel free to ask for more details, or tell me if this isn't the place for this.
My Tiki version is 21.1

Thanks in advance !

posts: 8638 Israel
Martin GOBIN wrote:

Hello !

I'm struggling with Tiki search engine.
My Tiki is a simple database with structures and wiki articles.

I've created a search engine module on top of my website, and I want this search bar to scan the inside of my articles, and not just the titles or the article description.
I searched on the options and looked it up on the forums but I couldn't find no answer.

Is there a way to enable search for the entiriety of the articles ?

Please note that I am not a developper, I only know the basics.
Feel free to ask for more details, or tell me if this isn't the place for this.
My Tiki version is 21.1

Thanks in advance !

Hello Martin,

Never tried this but it seems to work ok here using "MySQL full-text search" (default)
Screen Shot 2021 01 05 At 13.46.36

I checked "tiki-admin.php?page=search" and I can see that "Default where" are all unchecked (so search should be done over the complete information available).

Did you refresh your index lately ?

posts: 4660 Japan

If it helps, this is the setup that's working fine in a local test Tiki site of mine.

  • Unified search index is on.
  • Unified search engine is MySQL full-text search
  • (I didn't change any of the search engine details.)
  • The search module doesn't have any special config details, only compact and no box.

Searches turn up looked-for terms in page content as well as page titles.

-- Gary

posts: 126890 United Kingdom

Hi Martin

The general search uses the fields set in the "Default content fields" pref on the search control panel. It defaults to "contents, title" and "contents" is a collection of all the "global" text in an object, which for wiki pages includes the rendered page body, the description, title, date etc. So maybe that pref has been changed by mistake?

It is also affected by the "Field weights" pref just above it, so check both of those are set to their defaults (both of these settings are "advanced" so you need the switch at the top set to that and not "basic")


posts: 2 France

Hello !

First, thanks a lot for your answers. It helped me a lot in understanding Tiki search engine.

The problem was in my search module. I had it changed too much and activated the "Tiki Research". It narrowed the results to titles and description only.
As usual the problem is between the chair and the computer !

Best regards,

posts: 126890 United Kingdom
Martin GOBIN wrote:
As usual the problem is between the chair and the computer !

Ah, good old PICNIC!

Glad you got it worked out ๐Ÿ˜

posts: 11 Ecuador
Jonny Bradley wrote:

Ah, good old PICNIC!

Glad you got it worked out ๐Ÿ˜

Hello Jonny!

I've read the Tiki 22.1 documentation and I'm a little confused about what search configuration is the best for a collaborative community profile (mainly wiki pages and forums).

Basic search seems deprecated, but I think tiki-searchresults.php works better than tiki-searchindex.php. It's Ok if I continue using basic search? The only issue that I found on basic search is searched-text-highlighting doesn't work (neither when using index based search).

Please help me with your recomendation.

Very thanks in advance,

posts: 126890 United Kingdom

Hi Dustin

The one you want is Unified Search (tiki-searchindex.php) - the old search should have been removed long ago to avoid this sort of confusion imho (it doesn't respect permissions and fails totally on large sites so i'm not sure how you mean it works better?)

I'm hoping it will be finally removed in Tiki 23 ๐Ÿ™„

Result highlighting is a pref on the search control panel results tab i think... i think it's the one called "Highlight results pages" (not a good label)

posts: 11 Ecuador
Jonny Bradley wrote:

Hi Dustin

The one you want is Unified Search (tiki-searchindex.php) - the old search should have been removed long ago to avoid this sort of confusion imho (it doesn't respect permissions and fails totally on large sites so i'm not sure how you mean it works better?)

I'm hoping it will be finally removed in Tiki 23 ๐Ÿ™„

Result highlighting is a pref on the search control panel results tab i think... i think it's the one called "Highlight results pages" (not a good label)

Hello Jonny,

Thanks again! Maybe my last 22.x installation had a problem and because of that it seems Unified Search doesn't work; however, the pref "Highlight results pages" is still a mistery for me, since I don't get the highlighted text in the result page.

I'll will try with Tiki 21.2-4 ๐Ÿ˜‰

Happy easter!

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