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PluginLIST - How does "relation" filter work?

posts: 8654 France
Da'ud Vyd wrote:

Thanks for your efforts Bernard. I will continue to experiment based on your advice. I'm seeing results like those below. The "relations" value starts with "token" and looks like a hashcode.

Array (24)
id = "101"
object_type = "wiki page"
object_id = "Star Fire Program"
title = "Star Fire Program"
creation_date = "2021-03-01 17:36:39"
modification_date = "2021-03-04 07:48:37"
date = "2021-03-01 17:36:39"
language = "unknown"
view_permission = "tiki_p_view"
geo_located = "n"
allowed_groups = "tokenrpqtevrqrpatuytyuxdxwwwpbtaafzvt..."
relations = "tokenxxcppaqxabzebbwrubccxedudrbrrbup"

I tested on 2 different Tikis and get the same results. (I don’t use a lot those so I check on tiki.org websites - Tiki22)

May be on of those can help ?

Copy to clipboard
relations => Array (10) 0 => "tiki.link.alias:wiki page:One-click i..." 1 => "tiki.link.alias:wiki page:ControlPanel" 2 => "tiki.link.alias:wiki page:Control Panels" 3 => "tiki.link.alias:wiki page:Control Panel" 4 => "tiki.link.alias:wiki page:One-click i..." 5 => "tiki.link.alias:wiki page:Auto installer" 6 => "tiki.link.alias:wiki page:Auto-instal..." 7 => "tiki.link.alias:wiki page:Auto instal..." 8 => "tiki.link.alias:wiki page:Auto-installer" 9 => "tiki.link.alias:wiki page:ControlPane..."

Copy to clipboard
relations => Array (1) 0 => "tiki.wiki.include.invert:wiki page:Co..."

Copy to clipboard
relations => Array (1) 0 => "tiki.link.related.invert:wiki page:Br..."

Or may be you have a setting that "obscur" it ?

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