Can you use >= or
Ok I don't know why it's cutting off half my message but here's the rest of it:
Is there any way to have a filter that "now" is:
Greater than or equal to tracker_field_REG_ReminderDate
Less than or equal to tracker_field_REG_ExpiryDate
Edit: using this doesn't really work but it's one step forward (ie. if both dates are in the past it shows it anyway. So it doesn't really show dates within a date range per se) :
Copy to clipboard
{filter range="tracker_field_REG_ReminderDate" from="now" to_field="tracker_field_ExpiryDate"}
it comes out with the following error messages - is there a way to ignore / suppress the error messages?
Copy to clipboard
The range filter is missing \"from\" or \"to\". filterRange: "to" value not parsed