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Features / Usability

Geolocation bug?

posts: 75 United States

My site was working fine with Tiki 22. I have existing items that are geolocated.

I'm now using Tiki 25 with the upgraded database. Existing items are still functional. However, if I enter in new geolocation data, the item page no longer loads.

Here is an existing item that works.

Here is a new item created under Tiki 25. This item was fine when entered. Then I edited the item to add the geolocation data. Now the page no longer loads.

This also causes another item that is linked to the item above to fail to load as well.

I'm not sure how to troubleshoot this. If no immediate fix, I need a way to zero out the geolocation data manually.

posts: 8638 Israel

Hi Jeffrey,

Somewhere between Tiki23 and 24 I re-installed an previous Tiki with tracker location field and experienced some waves with tracker field location. Old items were ok new items location was chaotic and I was unable to set fields.

But... it went away and I couldn't really reproduce and I guessed it was something related to local vs remote server setup or even browser choice.

I went at : wikigrave.com/item462-Elko-City-Cemetery
On firefox it look broken.
On chrome it load but hang (irresponsive)

NO map is displayed and given location is :
Screen Shot 2023 01 13 At 9.17.30

I suggest you reproduce at dev using a show instance.
Or hire a consultant to check what is going on on your Tiki.

posts: 126890 United Kingdom

Indeed @Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist, the longitude looks completely broken - in the page source for the broken one i see the long/lat is:

Copy to clipboard

whereas for a working one it looks like:

Copy to clipboard

So there must be a bug in editing locations in 25.x that we missed - i'll try it and see if i can fix it.
You probably will need to repair these ones manually @Jeffrey Frady which you can probably do by editing the item and just typing in the correct coordinates into the location input field... if it works well enough to do that.

25.0 is a rather experimental release and you probably would have been better only upgrading to 24.2 which is our Long Term Support version and more reliable for production sites, but i guess it's too late for that now... meanwhile i'll see if i can reproduce this on one of my sites.

posts: 126890 United Kingdom
I just tried on a few geolocated items on my local tiki, i had to switch back to using Open Layers 2 to be able to edit the point (another thing to fix) but whatever i did i couldn't get the longitude to go wrong like that - any more info on how this happened @Jeffrey Frady?
posts: 75 United States
Jonny Bradley wrote:
I just tried on a few geolocated items on my local tiki, i had to switch back to using Open Layers 2 to be able to edit the point (another thing to fix) but whatever i did i couldn't get the longitude to go wrong like that - any more info on how this happened @Jeffrey Frady?
I was able to switch from Open Layers 2 to Open Layers 3+ and now it looks like it's working appropriately. Open Layers
posts: 8638 Israel
Jeffrey Frady wrote:
I was able to switch from Open Layers 2 to Open Layers 3+ and now it looks like it's working appropriately.

That's good news !

Helas, I don't have samples or actual viable test to write/add to the documentation till a fix is produced. May one of you can add just a remarksbox with what to fo on Tiki25 in the meantime ?

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