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Is TikiWiki suitable for a collaboration network with workspaces

posts: 4

Thank you @Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist
The main purpose of this post for me (sorry if I was not clear enough) is to check whether TikiWiki is suitable for a collaboration platform with the most often used features like organic groups and pages/tasks, without the need to either hire an expert or to learn to design and implement it myself.

My conclusion based on my research of TikiWiki and the responses received, is that TikiWiki or its community did not develop/share such collaboration solution as template to easily apply. This means for me, that TikiWiki is not specifically built for this kind of platforms, otherwise it would already be available as a platform template.

With all respect for the work done by the amazing team of tikiwiki, for me it would make no sense to invest time and risk in building a multi-groups platform that is not already proven to be at least in some basic form available as template or example. For that reason, I asked above the question about examples or templates that may be available.

If anyone reading this, is willing to spend their time with me, for now unpaid, investigating the possibilities of TikiWiki for an organic groups-based, easy to use collaboration, feel free to contact me. This is for a non-profit international collaboration initiative for sustainable development. Our project may be funded in the future (by UN) if the wiki/groups system used appears to be promising.

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