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Architecture / Installation

Architecture / Installation

tiki 26.0 clean install new database File gallery settings.

posts: 95
Robuste wrote:

Ok i have spent hours on this. i don't think the problem is with elfinder.
PDF files work fine whether or not it is enabled.

As soon as you upload a graphic file gallery setting bombs out as per the jpg previously loaded here.
As soon as the graphic file is deleted you can access settings again.
I have tried several files and several formats to check for corruption but the same problem
always occurs.
Am i missing a setting or something that is new with 26.x?


Has anyone else who reads this done a clean install and had this problem or done an upgrade and had this problem for that matter ? 😊

Or has anyone done a clean install of V 26.0 and not had any problems with file gallery settings? for that matter 😊

Just for the hell of it i renamed a pdf file to jpg.... that did not cause any problems with gallery settings ... the file was useless though of course.
Renaming a jpg as a pdf did still cause problems.

I suspect that anyone who does an upgrade will have this problem too.

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