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Can button bar in "browse freetags" page be removed?

posts: 3 Bulgaria

Hello, there is a button bar in "browse freetags" that allows you to specify where you want to do the search - "All | Wiki Page | Blog Post | File Gallery.." etc

But since my site has only blog posts it is of no use for my readers. I looked in options and in documentation and I found no way to turn this feature off. Am I missing something or indeed this button bar cannot be removed?

Thank you!

posts: 3 Bulgaria

Thank you! I used a slightly modified CSS and it did the job

.freetagsearch .btn-toolbar {display:none;visibility: hidden;}

posts: 8657 France
Georgi Bonchev wrote:

Thank you! I used a slightly modified CSS and it did the job

.freetagsearch .btn-toolbar {display:none;visibility: hidden;}

Great, happy to help.

Note: Your CSS rule is valid, but when both display: none; and visibility: hidden; are applied together, only display: none; takes effect because it overrides visibility. The element will not be visible and will not occupy any space.

  • display: none;: Hides the element completely, removing it from the document flow. The element will not occupy any space on the page.
  • visibility: hidden;: Makes the element invisible but still reserves its space in the layout.


posts: 3 Bulgaria
Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist wrote:
Your CSS rule is valid, but when both display: none; and visibility: hidden; are applied together, only display: none; takes effect because it overrides visibility. The element will not be visible and will not occupy any space.

Good to know, CSS is not my strongest 😊

posts: 2
Georgi Bonchev wrote:

Hello, there is a button bar in "browse freetags" that allows you to specify where you want to do the search - "All https://retrobowl.college | Wiki Page | Blog Post | File Gallery.." etc

But since my site has only blog posts it is of no use for my readers. I looked in options and in documentation and I found no way to turn this feature off. Am I missing something or indeed this button bar cannot be removed?

Thank you!

The button bar in the "browse freetags" page of Tiki Wiki cannot be disabled via the standard admin interface. You can hide it by adding custom CSS, such as `.freetags-filter-bar { display: none; }`, or by editing the relevant template file in the Tiki installation.