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Features / Usability

Tiki and Pear :: Auth

posts: 31 None

Hi people,

If 'Tiki and Pear :: Auth' is set on Windows server, the auth works as needed. i.e First checks the user in LDAP server if not found searches in Tiki database.

Problem under Linux is:

1. If the user is in LDAP, he is allowed to log in.(no problem at all in this)
2. If not, he must be checked in Tiki db, but this is not happening. The user login is rejected.

Please let me know if there are any special changes required for this.


posts: 31 None

Thanks a lot Terence for your help.

I got the bug.

This is how the bug was fixed:
1. User is first authenticated by Tiki db.
2. Then checks if Auth login is enabled. i.e. if LDAP authentication is required
3. if found in Tiki db but not in LDAP, checks if 'Create user if not in Auth?' is checked (here was the bug. This is unchecked in my case).
4. If not, throws 'Invalid user name or password' even though the user is valid according to Tiki db.

Now the above 4th step works as follows:
4. Checks if user is valid according to Tiki db, if yes, allow him to login.

This way we make both LDAP and Tiki user (not in LDAP) to login.

> I myself have never had the chance to test out Pear:Auth. Could you file a bug report at Sourceforge? Thanks.
> http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=64258&atid=506846

posts: 31 None

Thanks a lot Terence for your help.

I got the bug.

This is how the bug was fixed:
1. User is first authenticated by Tiki db.
2. Then checks if Auth login is enabled. i.e. if LDAP authentication is required
3. if found in Tiki db but not in LDAP, checks if 'Create user if not in Auth?' is checked (here was the bug. This is unchecked in my case).
4. If not, throws 'Invalid user name or password' even though the user is valid according to Tiki db.

Now the above 4th step works as follows:
4. Checks if user is valid according to Tiki db, if yes, allow him to login.

This way we make both LDAP and Tiki user (not in LDAP) to login.

> I myself have never had the chance to test out Pear:Auth. Could you file a bug report at Sourceforge? Thanks.
> http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=64258&atid=506846