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Architecture / Installation

Invalid variable value : offset

posts: 8654 France


I have encountered this problem twice and have corrected it by flushing coockies and caches from IE (i also used Mozilla mac/pc and even safari)

Invalid variable value : offset = -6460941
(this the last, the number keep changing)

Worst, as i'm inviting other people to check the site some got error some not... It is a ratio near 1/2 i can help them for now cause there are few and they help me to set the site but when it will be wide open it will be a pain in the... as i have 35 000 hit each month to deal with.

Does anyone encountered this error and where shoul i look.


posts: 71 United States
What version of Tiki are you using?

posts: 8654 France

Ok guys,

This problem is still going on and this time with a brand new (from scratch) 1.9.c3 CVS. It hapen less, but it still happen !

The workaround is to delete the cookie from my tiki on the local computer and to refresh the page.

This is a major problem that cause lost of visitors !!!


posts: 1092

Does this happen on a specific place or action?
This remains me a cookie tz_offset (and not offset) that has a value like that.
I don't know what this is cookie is for. In tiki-js.js, you can see
// Set client offset (in minutes) to a cookie to avoid server-side DST issues
// Added 7/25/03 by Jeremy Jongsma (jjongsma@tickchat.com)

... just an idea

posts: 8654 France

Hi Sylvie,

On the 1.9rc3 (remember it happen less) with me (another user warn me) it happen twice while i was "creating a new wiki page.

I was using french language.

I have set new menu item or create a link (i can't remember) on a page ( (tchat) ) (without the paces) and when clicking it i got a message this page is not created. Then i click on " Do you want to create it ?" Then it happen.

... I have read the Jeremy message, but it doesn't help me as the only cookie i knew have been eaten a long time ago ! 😀

posts: 1092

So I was wrong it is not tz_offset but offset. The problem , I can't find where this cookie is created 😑👻

Another general idea, because you tell me it is better with 1.9... The number of cookies for a domain is limited: 20 and the size of a cookie is 4KB. See details at CookieMonster
You will see that I began to fix that at least all the menu cookies are in the same cookies. But there are a lot of other places...
Do you use feature like phplayers?

Mais ce n'est pas le français qui crée le problème (enfin j'espère)

posts: 8654 France


It was better...😢

It seams that a brand new 1.9 request less cookies.

After 2 days of hard work, the problem comes very (too much) often.

May be that as my tiki is cutomized, this introduce too much cookies ?

As i said i don't know much about cookies
But i have found the admin item cookie... empty. I have upload mydomaintiki cookies...it is a realy fresh one and i have yet 18 cookies...

As you seams like me fluent in french i'm ok to help you to solve this by giving you access to my admin and so on... (but private message 😊)

Your wish are my command... about Tiki 😊

posts: 1092

I need only the site URL. It is a cookie problem
If it is israelfr.com.... It is too far away from the original tiki

posts: 8654 France

Hi Sylvie,

It just happen again !

I was logged under admin and i click on "admin-group.php.

My browser show the offset error. Under;
C:\Documents and Settings\xxxxx\Cookies

I found two cookies;

xpuser at www.mysite1.txt
xpuser at www.israelfr2.txt

The newer was the 1 containing;


I erased it and after refresh my wiki get back.

posts: 8654 France


The error was about this one "offset -5995211" but my last comment
was shortened !

posts: 8654 France

Sorry for multiple post.... 😕

I got it again... here the cookie contain.

Error offset is : offset -5994165


posts: 8654 France


After the great help of Sylvie (many thanks for your time) we found the problem.

On the same domain i use Tikiwiki and a external forum (discus). They both use the same cookie as there are on teh same domain.

As my forum doesn't seams to have any problem with that, Tikiwiki read it all then seams to be stuck somewhere with the datas from Discus.

The problem found doesn't mean it is solved. I guesse something should be done to avoid tikiwiki to read anything else than his own data.

Meanwhile i'll try to set a sub-domain for my forum forcing the use of two cookie, one for tikiwiki and one for discus.

I'll let you know about it !


posts: 8654 France

I have reinstall my forum on a sub-domain to avoid that tiki and discus uses the same cookie.

It is now working fine. But this should be solved and tiki forced to read what it need and nothing more.