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Features / Usability

Multilianguage content site

posts: 5 Russia

In TikiWiki only the menus change when you select a different
language. In Postnuke, it is possible to tag an article for a specific
language. If you choose French, you see only French articles (in
addition to French menus). If you tag an article "all languages", all
viewers will see the article, regardless of the language choice.

Users should be able to choose menus in any one language and separately
choose which language (or languages) they wish to read in. Ideally, if
an article is available in another language, a direct link to article in
the other language would be available. The content would have to be
linked together

How I can do it?

posts: 54 France

In Tiki 1.9 it's actually possible to define a wikipage as being a translation of another wikipage. Click on translation tab on tiki-view pages.Then, when viewing a page you can switch to a translation, if available, choosing the language in the dropdown menu, next to the page title.

Two feature are still missing though:

  • define a language as the default language at a site level and/or page level
  • automagically switch to translation corresponding to your preference for wiki GUI, if available. If not diplay default language.

posts: 54 France
WhyUseTiki has a french translation for instance... (I wrote it 😀)

posts: 5 Russia

And is it possible to mark an article for example "russian" ore French and it will be show ONLY for user ho choose this languige? And if I mark article "all languge" it will be show to all visitors.
Of course it's possible to do usung Categories, but is it possible to do like in Nuke it's strict and much simple both for administration and users.
And this feature is wery importent if content in different language is not the same.
I make multi - languige site for sms-chess www.mchess-club.com and inforamtion for russian player is not direct translation of information for english or for example estonian player

posts: 5 Russia

But what i must do if content for is NOT the same for different language?
For example - articles in russian is not direct translations of english.
In Nuke a can do it in wery simple way - mark article as "all language" or "russian only" or "estonin only" .
Of course I can do it using category but Nuke 's is more convinient

posts: 54 France

As ia I said, the system is a bit different inTiki since you don't set the language for a page but rather qualify as a translation of another... The difference is not so tight.

It's still an emerging system but should be enhance soon to make it totally useful. Anyway, you shoud try for instance to translate some of the wiki page of this site to russian and make your opinion on how to use it by ... using it! 😉

Please follow the discurrion, i'm very interested in this feature...

posts: 56 China

I am using Tikiwiki 2.0 now. I can choose one language from the dropdown list and see another translation for current article. But only the article language changed, those button texts and menus don't change.


I think the language choosing function should work for whole page, not only the center column, where the article content was displayed.

I mean, could you please make Tikiwiki completely support Multilanguage feature?


posts: 4668 Japan

TikiWiki does change the language for the whole page. Do you have "Multilingual" and "Detect browser language" activated on the Administration: i18n page (tiki-admin.php?page=i18n)? If you do, Tiki's interface should appear in the language to match the setting in the user's web browser. (Not all items of the interface are translated for all languages, though. Maybe this is an area you can help with if you see untranslated terms when using a language other than English.)

-- Gary