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Features / Usability

Forum Email notification

posts: 8654 France

I need want to change the email notifications from Tiki.

I found the Templates to edit but, i have look around about email Notification Doc and else and can't find a lot of help.

First i still don't know if there is a way to configure an email in the users choosen language or all has to be in one language ? (i've seen that question in Forge, but didn't get if there is an answer).


When sending a forum_post_notification i want to add a link to the discussion and the message itself.

Is there a kind of references sheet about all the variables i can use in an email ? (ex :{$mail_topic}) ?


posts: 3 Netherlands

Yoni or anybody who reads this message and may have a clue that I don't.

How to configure TW 1.9 as to have it send notification about new forum topics and posts to all users?



posts: 8654 France

I can answer for 1.8.3...

I don't think it is possible.

As far as i know, each user has to ask for notification.


posts: 3 Netherlands

Dear Yoni,

Thank you for your reply.

Did you get any useful advice from anywhere regarding your question:

When sending a forum_post_notification i want to add a link to the discussion and the message itself.

If so, I'd love to learn how to do that.

Kind regards,
