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Custom Share Module 0.1dev

Features / Usability

Features / Usability

enable search

posts: 7 Belgium


I've installed tikiwiki 1.8.3 last week and i can't find where to activate search. In the admin menu, functions sub-menu, I checked the search item, but nothing appears. I don't know if it's related, but times to times, i have the message :
"PHP Warning: call_user_func(random_refresh_index_comments): First argument is expected to be a valid callback in ./lib/search/refresh.php on line 57"
in the logs.

And, to be as complete as i can, i must tell that, to make tiki working, i had to comment the line "include_once ('adodb-pear.inc.php');"in the file : db/tiki-db.php as said here

Could you tell me where to find docs? a search on this site give me a lot too much links 😊

posts: 3
Have you solved the problem yet? This issue preoccupies me too. I'm afraid I cannot search the site. Maybe one have to look at the source of some page here, and put directly the searchform in the template, hidding the related module.
posts: 7 Belgium
I had no answer yet... If i manage to have it, i'll post the way i used here... I think I'll ask it on the IRC on monday, when i'll be at work...

posts: 2881 United Kingdom

You need to create a module containing the search components. This is done through the Admin->Modules interface.

choose search_new and give it some visibilty to groups and a position.
