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Features / Usability

Problems with Articles and article plugin in 1.9 rc2

posts: 43 New Zealand

Hi all,
I have upgraded(?) to TikiWiki 1.9RC2.

The first thing I noticed is that the permissions on the articles did not allow anyone but me the creator view the articles or article lists. I have been playing around and around with permissions, including the new category permissions but to no avail 😑

My article imagaes (topic or own) do now display in the article list , when the "article" menu item is selected or when the article plugin is used on a wiki page. I can see the article image if I view the whole article 😑

The articles plugin causes my page not to load if max parameter is set to more than 3. If I use "max=>*" only 3 articles are displayed.
Also comments are not shown 😑

All in all 1.9 is looking great can wait for the 1.9 release 😀

posts: 43 New Zealand

OK after alot of play I sorted out my own issues here. Essentially I needed to ensure permissions for topics and permissions for article categories was correctly set.

Easy when you know 😡

posts: 4

I'm glad this is easy. But I don't know exactly how to go at this.
In other areas it appears to work better not to assign permissions for a site that everyone can see.
Why are articles different?
Where is this documented?
My issues are with tw 2.1, but are the same as 2.0RC4 and 2.0.