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Architecture / Installation

tiki 1.8.4 on SourceForge works?

posts: 9 Guatemala

I have installed the tikiwiki 1.8.4 in my SF project, i
runned the tiki-install.php script and all seems
completed. When i try to access to tiki-index.php i get
the following message:

Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 8388608 bytes
exhausted (tried to allocate 3840 bytes) in
/home/groups/b/bo/boxp/htdocs/tiki/lib/tikidblib.php on
line 23

Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 8388608 bytes
exhausted (tried to allocate 40 bytes) in Unknown on line 0

What's happen?

Javier Aroche

posts: 6 Vanuatu

I had this problem, too. Restarting the MySQL daemon seemed to have fixed it.


posts: 6 Vanuatu

Turns out my "fix" may have only been a coincidence. Take a look at http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-read_article.php?articleId=82. It discusses the need for increasing PHP's memory alotment on your server, which apparently will alleviate all sorts of odd Tiki bugaboos. It certainly took care of the "blank page" problem I was having with a virgin 1.8.4 install.
