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My production version is currently on version 24.3 using the Feb12 theme. We wanted to migrate to a more recent LTS version, so we installed a test machine with version 27.1 using the Feb12 theme.
First thing we noticed is both theme are completely different color wise. Why is that so?
Second thing, our table do not have internal border lines or columns any more. Is there something different in 27.1 to handle table? because even when we change themes, table lines and columns are still invisible.


Hi Stefan,

All of the themes in the Tiki package have had some color adjustments made in recent versions in order to comply with accessibility standards regarding color contrast, for better readability and so on, but the Feb12 theme is still using the same colors basically. I compared a Tiki 24.3 using the Feb12 theme to this page - https://themes.tiki.org/Feb12 - where the Tiki version is 27, and the color differences I see are mostly in small details. Could you please be more specific about what parts of the page have colors that are different from before, or post a screenshot of a test machine page so I can understand where you see the differences in color?

About the tables, checking the 24.3 site here, I see that there aren't vertical borders in tables, but the rows have alternating colors, which is the Bootstrap "table-striped" styling of tables that Tiki uses as a default. Does your production site have more borders than this? As I recall, Tiki did have a CSS rule to add borders to all tables in the center column but this rule was later removed because of the "retro" appearance it created compared to current table styling on the web in general. I'm not sure what Tiki versions this involved. But I can suggest some custom CSS to add to your Look and Feel admin customization page if you want to add borders on all tables.

-- Gary