Features / Usability

Features / Usability

By-passing tracker?

posts: 2

I created a tracker to collect additional information as part of registration. It appears to work when I try it from several machines and browsers, but - I still get loads of registrations (presumably from bots or operator farms) which simply do not include the tracker (ie register as if it wasn't there at all) - ?
Any idea how they manage to by-pass the tracker, and how I can stop this?
site is http://translatedsf.thierstein.net

posts: 1817 Catalan Countries

Can you try to:

  1. Add a checkbox field, as compulsory (in Tiki9) to that tracker
  2. set also the tracker for the registered group through the admin groups interface?
  3. Edit the registered group,
    1. Select tracker, Save,
    2. Select username field from the tracker, Save.
    3. Add fieldId that have to be shown in the registration form (ensure the field id of the compulsory checkbox is added).

This is not perfect, but it's a know solution to reduce the bot registration.

Report back if this helped, please, while better solutions are being investigated.


posts: 2

thanks for the suggestion, I've done so (had to update to V9 first, thus the delay), and have run it for a few days now.
I still get automated registrations, both to the standard 'Registered' group as well as to others, so I strongly suspect that these are scripted registration which the system accepts at face value (not good!).
What value does having a check box add, above and beyond the other, mandated fields I already had?

posts: 1817 Catalan Countries

Not sure. Maybe it's easier for bots to add text strings in text fields, but not check a checkbox?
I'm not sure, as I said. You can try to see whether it improves in your case.
Definitively, a better solution is desired. But in the meantime, you can try...