Features / Usability

Features / Usability

Problem with htaccess - RewriteRule

posts: 10


I have problem with htaccess and RewriteRule in Tiki9.
The RewriteRule for example:

RewriteRule ^login$ tiki-login_scr.php L

isn´t function, because in explorer I see www.test.com/tiki-login_scr.php.

I think the Appache and .htaccess is ok, because some parts of
.htaccess is function. And I have active sefurl plugin.

Anyone have a solution or a fix ?

Thanks for your help.

posts: 1633 Canada

That line has the following effect:

When you visit example.com/login, it shows you the content of tiki-login_scr.php (which is not what you are looking for)

Best regards,

M ;-)