Plugin_Swiper - Title and Text from file info
Howdy All — I am using Tiki 24.0 hosted at Hostinger and have a support request in to them to figure out how to upgrade to Tiki 25, or at least 24.2 using their automation. In the meantime, I am trying to accomplish a goal with plugin_Swipe I am having trouble figuring out, even after having read the documentation, played with various settings and even looked through the code a bit.
Simply put, I am trying to get the title and description of each slide presented in plugin_Swiper using the image info stored in Tiki. I am most interested in the description for each image. Optimally I would like to have the image description come up as a mouseover response, but any way I can get it should be fine. Photos will be added over tiime to the gallery as a story unfolds and each photo tells a part of the story. The description text is intended to provide filler explanation details for the segment of the story represented by the image.
Line 476 of the plugin looks to load the file description into a variable for use. I am having trouble figuring out how to get it to present though. Any help on this would be appreciated.