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Quick Reference Sheet - CVS For Web Projects


Sign on to the CVS server so you have permission to check in and check out web sites. Run cvs login from your development folder.

  cvs login
  cd /development/
  cvs login


Send a whole new site up to the server. cvs import is not used very often. Run cvs import from inside the root htdocs folder on the server/site to be imported.

  cvs import -m'message' clientdomain vendorname start
  telnet www.sandiegozoo.org
  cd htdocs/;  cvs login
  cvs import -m"import the zoo" sandiegozoo.org interactivate start


Grab a working copy of a site (or any part of a site) and put it onto your desktop computer. cvs checkout gets the most recent version of the site by default, but can also be used to checkout previous versions of a site or file. Run cvs checkout from your development folder. A subfolder will be created to contain each site that you checkout.

  cvs checkout clientdomain
  cd /development/
  cvs checkout kawanhee.org/index.html


Freshen your working copy of a site. Adds any new files from the CVS server to your working copy, tries to automatically merge changes. You can update your working copy to turn it into any previous version of the site. cvs update defaults to the latest version. Run cvs update from inside the folder you would like to update.

  cvs update
  cd /development/imagebase/
  cvs -q update -rdwiggins -dP


Schedule a list of newly created files that exist in your working copy to be added to the CVS site server the next time you commit.

  cvs add file1 file2...
  cd /development/calstrawberry.com/
  cvs add new1.html olddir/new2.html newdir


Schedule files to be removed from the CVS server the next time you commit this site. cvs remove can be run from any location inside your working copy of a site.

  cvs remove file1 file2...
  cd /development/padres.com/
  cvs remove -f old1.html dir/old2.html olddir


Send changes made to files in your working copy up to the CVS server. Run cvs commit from your working copy folder.

  cvs commit file1 file2...
  cd /development/californiamart.com/
  cvs commit


Sign out with the CVS server, make sure there are no loose ends hidden within your working copy. Run this command from your development folder.

  cvs release clientdomain
  cd /development/
  cvs release workforce.org/

Page last modified on Friday 19 March 2004 21:22:08 GMT-0000

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