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Custom Share Module 0.1dev


Tiki 1.8.6 has been released.

Upgrade instructions

Also see ReleaseNotes186

Changes since 1.8.5


Bug Fixes

  • box title are back sylvie
  • backport missing global smarty sylvie
  • fixed typo in tiki-list_games.php ohertel
  • fix for double slash in link in wiki page change notification mail marclaporte
  • backporting fix for double slash in link for forum post email notificationmarclaporte
  • avoid error when categories are turned off. mdavey
  • Show/hide with ! was missing from wiki help. marclaporte
  • backport of Sylvie's fix on tiki-admin_notifications.tpl sorting marclaporte
  • SF#1111627 MyTiki Task List shows all tasks regardless of status, thanks to Brian Wilson
  • SF#1163174 - Wiki says "page not found" if query string is "?page=" - ohertel
  • SF#1116551 - structure alias name not used in - ohertel
  • SF#1151923 Blog RSS Feed Shows Blog Name Repeatedly
  • View articles: fixed wrong offset variable (backport from 1.9) ohertel
  • backporting mose's fix from 1.9 to this error page when no user on tiki-login.php marclaporte
  • User files, comments & image galleries: fixed back quotes and line breaks in queries toggg
  • Forum now respecting max attachment size jburley
  • SF#1096025 - possible to create task without title - backport fix from 1.9 - mdavey
  • SF#1106305 Secure login from insecure page causes incorrect URL toggg
  • tiki_p_create_file_galleries open fully creation dialog toggg
  • tracker module + date type field fixes toggg
  • WYSIWYCA in image gallery listing sylvie
  • tiki_p_suggest_chart_item allows to suggest item (thanks yoni)
  • SF#1149603 syntax error in wikiplugin_agentinfo.php (Sylvie)
  • SF#1149606 SF html error thx seanchae
  • Corrected path for jgraphpad (toggg)
  • SF#1143650 status bar doesn't display 'o'... wih IE anymore - thanks rnabben
  • SF#1122453 global dbtiki missing in forum watch
  • SF#1121095 categories didn't have the same order in the browse page and in the dropdown menus
  • fixes for IIS (REQUEST_URI) (redflo)
  • fix bug in tiki-map_uploa template (franck)


  • directory categories sorted in the same way in the different place - sylvie
  • improved the quality of error message when db not created mose
  • backported upgrade to 1.0.6 of Net::Socket mose
  • backport: change getfilecontent by tikilib->httprequest() mose
  • backporting vars sanitize improvements mose
  • xmlrpc security upgrade to 1.4.0 mose
  • SF#1110956 BLOG: Minor UI Change Suggestion, thanks Brian Wilson. People may lose less blog post now due to better sorting of submit buttons.
  • fold error404.tpl functionality into error.tpl (michael davey)
  • Search engine: Backport new layout options from BRANCH-1-9 (michael davey)
  • Send 404 error on page not found; be more helpful if page doesn't exist (michael davey)
  • added Bulgaria flag
  • TikiMaps: Option to stop downloading a layer Franck
  • Bidis codes in edit help tool Toggg
  • Group deletion now cleans up user to group assignments, object permissions, and group inclusions. (jburley)
  • New language Piji Solomon(sb)
  • SF#1121095 sort improvment
  • Added a default order in get_forum_topics if the order param is empty (runix2)
  • remove scaled images (redflo)
  • TikiMaps: Directory traversal check (franck)
  • Tikimaps: fixed bug for map index creation (franck)
  • TikiMaps: fixed an odd bug with IE (franck)
  • User Bookmarks: Use httprequest in case allow_url_fopen is not set. (redflo)
  • Updated Catalan language (xavidp)
  • Now raises PEAR error if DNS resolution fails. This speeds up caching of external pages if the lookup died. (jburley)

Page last modified on Monday 22 August 2005 06:34:05 GMT-0000

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