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Roundtable Meeting 2015 03 26

Facilitator: luciash d' being 🧙


Thursday, March 26, 2015 at 19:00:00 UTC time (click for time zone in your city)

Please note: In March "Daylight Saving Time" starts at 8th in North America whilst at 29th in Europe!
Thus in March we will stay at 19:00 UTC !!

( NEXT month (April) we switch to 20:00UTC.)


See Webinars for a detailed description.




1st hour quick news

  • Tiki 14.0 beta released - brief discussion on how it looks, has anyone tested it, and when should we release 14.0?
    (also we need to release 13.2 and 12.4)
    • Tentative schecule: in a week, themes.t.o. A week later or so, maybe doc.t.o and dev.t.o., so that we have time to detect more bugs and issues and solve them, before the other sites (or all *.t.o sites) are upgraded, etc.
    • Gather information about issues and solutions here:
      http://dev.tiki.org/Tiki14Upgrade  (page linked from http://dev.tiki.org/Tiki14#Upgrade )
  • What to call these monthly meetings (webinars is wrong, as discussed previously, let's pick something)
    • Tiki Roundtable Meetings
  • And how about varying the times so people in other timezones might be able to attend
    • ?
  • Should we dogfood more the Social networking and Activity Stream features on tiki.org? (luci volunteers to set it up)
    • yes, specially if there is a volunteer with time and knowledge about how to do it.
  • Brief discussion about the JavaScript vs noscript threads recently on the dev list?
    • ?

More conclusions on the Tiki Roundtable Meeting 2015 03 26 Followup.

Second hour, longer topics



Tiki Roundtable Meeting 2015 03 26 Followup
We agreed on some stuff and ToDos:

  • people should test 14.0 beta
  • fix logo appearance for 14.x sites (luci)
  • lets aim to release Tiki 14 in two weeks
  • lets update themes.tiki.org first in one week to safely test the new look for tiki.org sites implementation (fivealive-lite + the hiding of top bars)
  • agreed on Tiki Roundtable Meeting name for the monthly meetings
  • make a wiki page to convene about the best times and days for monthly meeting (bsfez or Torsten)
  • jonny will upstream fix to allow Facebook registrations create corresponding user tracker items
  • luci will enable Facebook app and the FB registration/login using the Social networking feature to Dogfood
  • luci will create user profile page with Activity Stream of following friends activity to Dogfood the feature too
  • regarding the JS vs no-script functionality someone should set up a dev page on dev.tiki.org about it and people experienced should go to https://dev.tiki.org/No+Javascript and take a lead collecting info there about what should work with no JS and what is OK to keep for admins or JS dependent stuff

Jonny gave a screen-sharing workshop about Plugin list and custom_search. (it starts at 73min36s)
Sadly we did not have enough time for presentation by Steve so it was postponed to the next one.

Chat log

Pages related to this one

One page links to Roundtable Meeting 2015 03 26


2015_03 March Monthly Meeting
Webinar 2015 03 26

Page last modified on Friday 27 March 2015 16:29:23 GMT-0000