Sorry, This Meeting Has Been Cancelled
Our next Roundtable meeting will be held in June, so see you then!
Table of contents
Volunteering Facilitator: needed
Thursday, MONTH DAY, YEAR at HH:00:00 UTC time (click to check time zone in your location)
The time is now:
Time in your timezone (when this page was last reloaded): Thursday 06 March 2025 11:54:33 UTC
The time will be set by the participants vote:
Tiki Roundtable Meeting Time Votes
See Roundtable Meetings for a detailed description.
First hour, quick news
- Progress reports on new features in Tiki 25 (
- ...
put your topic (max. 5-10 minutes) into the list above
Second hour, longer topics
Provide fewer packages in this is pointless since Victor can't be available.) Bumped to Roundtable Meeting 2022 06
put your topic (max. 15 minutes) into the list above
- ...
put your follow up action(s) when you're done into the list above
Chat log
Pages related to this one
One page links to Roundtable Meeting 2022 05