Whenever we reference the Tiki Project Summary Page on Sourceforge which has the following URL:
Project: Tiki CMS/Groupware: Summary
lets use this WikiPage: sf.netSummary
The main info there is replicated here using an rss, see tikwiki.orgRSS1Doc for how it has been setup
- Project name: Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware
- Developers on project: 493
- Activity percentile (last week): 99.90%
- Downloadable files: 944226 total downloads to date
- Mailing lists (public): 6
- Tracker: Bugs (289 open/2023 total)
- Tracker: Support Requests (2 open/201 total)
- Tracker: Patches (71 open/184 total)
- Tracker: Feature Requests (680 open/879 total)