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Tiki vs DokuWiki


  • Both are free and open source web applications with a powerful wiki.
  • Both can run on standard, inexpensive hosting.
  • Both support Wiki markup. Please see (if) Why Wiki Syntax Is Important to your project.
  • Both are written in PHP
  • Both are in the top-3 in terms of consultants
  • Code is sometimes shared between both projects because some of the community events are colocated 😊


Wiki Matrix

Compare them at http://www.wikimatrix.org/compare/Tiki-Wiki-CMS-Groupware+DokuWiki

Active contributors

Number of contributors who made changes to the project source code each month.

Tiki is in red


Number of commits made to the project source code each month.

Tiki is in red


Page last modified on Monday 09 December 2013 21:08:57 GMT-0000

Upcoming Events

1)  15 Aug 2024 14:00 GMT-0000
Tiki Roundtable Meeting
2)  19 Sep 2024 14:00 GMT-0000
Tiki Roundtable Meeting
Tiki birthday
4)  17 Oct 2024 14:00 GMT-0000
Tiki Roundtable Meeting
5)  21 Nov 2024 14:00 GMT-0000
Tiki Roundtable Meeting
6)  19 Dec 2024 14:00 GMT-0000
Tiki Roundtable Meeting