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Wiki Landscape

Similar to CMS Landscape and Stats, this page is to help Tiki community members with comparative information to other popular wiki engines. Please help update this page! Here is a related post from our great friends at Social Source Commons

General info

Engine License Community project or Open-sourced by a company Language Storage Can run on shared hosting Template engine
Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware LGPL Community PHP Database Yes Smarty
MediaWiki GPL WikiMedia foundation and community PHP Database Yes ?
TWiki GPL Twiki.net and community Perl Flat files No ?
FOSWiki GPL Community (Twiki-fork) Perl Flat files No ?
DokuWiki GPL Community PHP Flat files Yes ?
MindTouch GPL & LPGL MindTouch PHP & C# Database No ?
MoinMoin GPL Community Python Flat files No simple
Confluence commercial Atlassian Java ? No ?
PmWiki GPL Community PHP Flat files Yes ?
JSPWiki LGPL Community Java ? ? ?
XWiki LGPL Xwiki.com Java Database No ?
Trac modified BSD Edgewall Python Database ? ?
PhpWiki GPL Community PHP ? yes ?
Bitweaver LGPL Community PHP database yes Smarty
Socialtext see site Socialtext Perl Postgresql no ?
WikkaWiki GPL Community PHP database yes ?
ScrewTurn Wiki
Wagn ? ? Ruby Database ? ?

Community stats

Engine Number of commiters Ohloh stacks IRC chat room size (freenode) Facebook group
Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware 186 46 25 177
MediaWiki 210 349 183 48
TWiki 81 31 45 72
FOSWiki 43 26
DokuWiki ? 75 36 no group found
MindTouch 19 9 11 132
MoinMoin 29 56 42 no group found
Confluence ? n/a must use something else 153
PmWiki 4 25 10 8
JSPWiki 293? 10 7 11
XWiki 55 20 must use something else 147
Trac 17 851 114 no group found
PhpWiki 17 1 must use something else no group found
Bitweaver 11 3 19 1
Socialtext 29 0 must use something else 66
WikkaWiki 8 18 10 no group found
FlexWiki 5 1
ScrewTurn Wiki 2 19

Ohloh stats

no data available for Confluence No data available for Wagn

More stats

Engine Alexa CIA messages Oct 2008 SSC toolbox Freshmeat rank SourceForge activity level
Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware 45,761 439 12 43 click
MediaWiki 36,561 1465 52 259 click
TWiki 66,565 ? 1 791 click
DokuWiki 42,085 not found at CIA 7 47
MindTouch 36,594 161 0 new click
MoinMoin 215,752 46 2 613
Confluence 40,234 not found at CIA 5 2718
PmWiki 89,911 ? 0 3101
JSPWiki 127,138 not found at CIA not found 14703
XWiki 177,743 not found at CIA not found 2345
Trac 62,478 not found at CIA 11 425
PhpWiki n/a, part of SourceForge.net 42 not found 717
Bitweaver 263,457 391 not found 8394 click
Socialtext 110,172 not found at CIA 4 not found click
WikkaWiki 278,160 18 0 4342
FlexWiki 485,429 click
ScrewTurn Wiki


Engine GSOC2009 GSOC2008
Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware yes no
MediaWiki yes yes
TWiki no no
FOSWiki no no
DokuWiki no no
MindTouch no no
MoinMoin yes yes
Confluence no no
PmWiki no no
JSPWiki no no
XWiki yes yes
Trac no no
PhpWiki no no
Bitweaver no no
Socialtext no no
WikkaWiki no no
FlexWiki no no
ScrewTurn Wiki


To do

This page should be split in three sections, community wiki (easy hosting) & enterprise/applications wikis. (behind the firewall, large scale, commercial support), hosted solutions (à la pbwiki)

Page last modified on Saturday 06 March 2021 13:47:13 GMT-0000

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4)  17 Oct 2024 14:00 GMT-0000
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5)  21 Nov 2024 14:00 GMT-0000
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6)  19 Dec 2024 14:00 GMT-0000
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