Some notes for a talk on Vue.js and the future of Tiki for TikiFest Virtual 2021
Tiki and Vue.js
Tiki GUI History According To Me
- I am
- When I arrived in Tiki (version 1.8) we had MooTools
- I added jQuery and jQuery-UI in 2.0 (optionally at first)
- Bootstrap arrived and things changed
- Time to consolidate!
Vue.js in Tiki
The Story So Far
- At TikiFestMacau2019 we decided to integrate Vue.js (thanks to @G.)
- I added Tracker Field Rules in Tiki 20ish (thanks to @Marc Laporte)
- @andon and @Victor Emanouilov added Tracker Field Duration
- Many jQuery-UI components have been replaced with Bootstrap ones, but several stubborn ones still to do)
Tiki GUI
The Story So Far
- Modules or Plugins?
- Confusion from terminology
Neither are modules or plugins - Confusion from functionality
The choice of use seems arbitrary
- Confusion from terminology
- So Let’s Unify Them!
- And call them...
- Gadgets?
- Widgets?
- Components? (too vague)
- Elements (even worse)
- Modules? (no, we've had that one)
- etc, so how about...
- Fluffies? (working title: thanks @luciash d' being 🧙)
- And call them...
Vue.js, meet Project Fluffy
- Let’s call them Widgets
- Use the “Tracker Revamp method” to keep the old code working while it is being replaced
- Keep wikiplugin syntax, use Widget when available
- Create a new “adaptor” for modules (a map from module to Widget)
- Do we aim to convert all the existing
I think not, most of them can be replaced by Plugin List (with custom GUIs?)
- Some initial code ‘’sketches’’ are here jonnybradley/project-fluffy
- Keep wikiplugin syntax, use Widget when available
The Next Steps?
- We're having a technical discussion of how to proceed tomorrow
The Future of Tiki's GUI Components (Project Fluffy and Vue.js) (12:00 UTC) - All are welcome!
- Further thoughts being collected here: VueJS In Tiki Part 2
- That's all folks!
Had to have a leats one animated gif!