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Custom Share Module 0.1dev


See my Blog at http://www.coofercat.com or see KnowledgeBaseDev which I'm gently associated with.

July 2004
I've also written a patch for Tiki 1.8.3 to make Blogs have "extended text". That means blogs don't need to have the whole of page 1 on the blog view page. This makes blogging a bit more like GreyMatter, MovableType, WordPress etc. Although they don't seem to offer multi-page blog entries (which are very cool, actually). See
SourceForge for more on that.

25 July 2004
I think I've found a bug in Smarty output processing - it seems to process the same bit of template numerous times, even though it only appears once in the output. I have opened SourceForge bug 997647 for it.

31 Dec 2004
Done loads of work on SEFURLs - beta in action on my 'blog (which now has a Wiki too): http://www.coofercat.com. Expect a proper bundle of stuff submitted to the SEFURLs mods project soon (soon for me usually means anytime in the next 24 months).

30th May, 2005
URLt that makes SEFURLs is now finished - see the SEFURLs page for more details.

Page last modified on Monday 30 May 2005 14:39:08 GMT-0000