A tradition in the TikiWiki community, a TikiFest is when there is a meeting between at least 2 TikiWiki contributors that don't usually meet. This is an opportunity for drinking adult beverages, getting laptops out and coding wildly in group sessions, discussing about wiki technology and culture, etc. depending on the mood and context. It is a great opportunity for Tiki users and Tiki power users to meet some of the developers and learn more stuff 😀
Many TikiFests are coming up:
- Montréal, Canada August 16-17-18-19th, 2008
- Porto, Portugal September 5-6-7, 2008
- Washington DC, USA September 20-21, 2008
- Montréal, Canada February 28th and 1-2-3 March, 2009
We are also planning some in
- Brussels, Belgium
- Sao Paulo, Brazil
- Strasbourg, France.
Please see: http://tikiwiki.org/TikiFest
If you can make it to any of these events, please do add yourself to the relevant wiki page 😊