In the realm of Internet of Things (IoT), Tiki 27 has made strides in API functionality to support IoT network deployments. Additionally, the calendar event handling has undergone a major overhaul, with CRUD operations now processed through the built-in caldav server, streamlining event scheduling and iTIP message generation.
Privacy-conscious users will appreciate the introduction of private calendars, accessible only to the creator and calendar admins. The new permission system offers granular control over features like PDF generation.
The user experience has been enhanced with a more user-friendly Markdown editing interface via TOAST UI, improved user mentions feature, and upgraded Cypht to version 2.0.x, bringing a host of enhancements to the webmail functionality.
Wiki plugins (native code to simplify or extend wiki editing) always get attention for new releases. For Tiki 27, functionality has been expanded in PluginSurvey, and PluginTour has been updated as Bootstrap Tour is replaced with driver.js. And now PluginList supports sublists.
One of the notable improvements is the stricter reporting of errors and warnings, a move that will pave the way for performance enhancements. The upgrade to PHPUnit 10 marks a milestone for PHP-based software testing, requiring multiple code commits to accommodate updates from various dependencies.
Modernized development and maintenance environment
Tiki 27 was produced by a new build system that requires node.js to run for new installations or upgrades done via git. (Installations via package downloads or web hosting control panels are done as before.) This build system is detailed on the Tiki development site. The new system follows through on a plan to reorganize Tiki's file structure to store custom files, such as for custom themes, separately from project files for simplified site maintenance, relocation, and so on. And several new commands have been added to the console.
Looking forward
With Tiki 27.0 LTS now released, the community looks forward to sharing the benefits of these advancements with current and future Tiki users. With a focus on performance, usability, security, and cutting-edge features, Tiki continues to solidify its position as "the Open Source no-code/low-code web application framework for when a standard CMS isn't enough".
For more information. please visit 27. Developers and users can track the progress and contribute to the development at 27. Please report any issues at a Wish and, to ask questions or give feedback, please come to Tiki's Matrix chatroom. To look into paid assistance, please visit the consultants page. For enterprise-level support, please contact EvoluData, whom we would like to thank again for their continuing support of the Tiki project.