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Tiki 27.0 LTS: A Leap Forward for Collaborative Software

Gary Cunningham-Lee -
The Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware community is excited to announce the release of Tiki 27.0 LTS. This Long-Term Support (LTS) version, which promises to be a game-changer for those anticipating the feature enhancements, will be supported until June 2029.

Tiki 27.0 LTS is not a typical LTS release, which usually focuses on refining features rather than introducing major changes. This time, the Tiki developers have implemented significant updates, including Smarty 5 and a new build system. These enhancements are steps in a continuum, with more major changes coming in Tiki 28. The effort from Tiki 24 LTS to Tiki 27 LTS represents, by far, the most development work (quantity, complexity, and repayment of technical debt) that has gone into Tiki between any two LTS releases, including thousands of code commits and the most challenging PHP upgrade in Tiki's 20+ year history. Thanks to EvoluData and all the Tiki developers who made this possible.

This version supports PHP 8.1, 8.2, and 8.3, along with MariaDB 10.5+ and MySQL 8+, ensuring compatibility with the latest server technologies.

Major enhancements

These are some of the features receiving major enhancements: Tiki's API functionality was expanded to support data and system management for Internet of Things (IoT) networks. Major changes were made in calendar event handling, recurring events, and the ability to specify periods of user availability when creating events and to specify appointment slots. And the Markdown editing experience was made more user-friendly while retaining compatibility with traditional Tiki syntax, via the TOAST UI editor. Webmail has also been enhanced as Cypht was upgraded from version 1.4x to 2.0x.

Continuous improvement

Along with the move forward in PHP version support, the Smarty template engine was updated from version 4 to 5. In other areas, the search feature, including semantic search, have been enhanced, and the onsite user-mentions feature has been improved with new features . . . .

Tiki 26 Release Continues Rapid Feature Development

Gary Cunningham-Lee -

Following the project's biggest-ever release, Tiki 25, seven months ago, the pace of code commits has only accelerated and now Tiki 26 is available with significant new features, further development of recent feature additions, and the usual bug fixes and enhancements.

New features include color mode support, so Tiki sites are responsive to the user's browser color scheme preference and can be toggled between light, dark, and auto (with more configurability options coming soon). A new emoji picker enables picking and inserting emojis (finally 😬). Tiki 26 includes a new theme, BookStacked, an implementation of the BookStack web app appearance. Interact.js and a URL fragment guesser have also been added.

Enhancements have been made to Cypht webmail, Calendars, the debugger console, InterTiki (for inter-Tiki-website interaction), Manticore search, Tiki's Markdown implementation, several modules, Tablesorter, Tiki Crawl for web scraping and web crawling, and the tracker feature. See https://doc.tiki.org/Tiki26 for more details.

Tiki 26 has been updated to benefit from the higher performance and new features of PHP 8.1. See Requirements for more information about Tiki and PHP versions.

This release is available for download or installation via git or Tiki Manager.

Many thanks to all who contributed to developing and testing Tiki 26.

Tiki is free Open Source software that is made possible by individual volunteer efforts and donated funds and services. If you would like to help the project continue, please visit the page Contribute to Tiki. Any donation would be greatly appreciated.

If there are any questions about this new release, please ask in the Tiki community chat room or use other contact options. To look into paid assistance, please visit the consultants page. For enterprise-level support, please contact EvoluData.

More New Security Updates Released and again Strongly Recommended

Gary Cunningham-Lee -

In line with our Tiki release support practices and thanks to the diligent efforts of the Tiki code contributors, security updates are now available for four Tiki versions: Tiki 25 (as of this writing the current stable release version), Tiki 24 LTS (Long-Term Support) and Tiki 21 LTS, as well as Tiki 18 LTS, which has now reached the end of its support period. Many thanks also to security researcher Egidio Romano (https://karmainsecurity.com) and to Roberto and Rodriguez for preparing these releases.

Users of these versions are strongly recommended to update their websites. Please get the latest-version files here: Tiki 25.2, Tiki 24.4, Tiki 21.9, and Tiki 18.11.

If there are any questions, please post in the forums here or in the Tiki chat or on a Tiki mailing list. Support beyond what the Tiki community can provide through these channels is also available from EvoluData (https://evoludata.com/Tiki-Extended-Security-Maintenance), including support for any version, including outdated versions.

New Security Updates Released and Strongly Recommended

Gary Cunningham-Lee -

Security updates are now available for several Tiki versions — Tiki 25x, Tiki 24x LTS, Tiki 21x LTS, and Tiki 18x LTS — and users of any of these versions are strongly recommended to update their websites. Please get the latest-version files at the respective links.

Note that other Tiki versions, such as Tiki 15 or Tiki 20, did not receive these security fixes, so any site using such versions should be upgraded to the appropriate updated version.

The updates follow a security audit by Egidio Romano (https://karmainsecurity.com), and we would like to thank him very much for this work.

Biggest Tiki Release Ever: Tiki 25

Gary Cunningham-Lee -

Tiki 25, our biggest release ever in terms of new features and technical upgrades, was completed after nine months of intense development, a fitting conclusion to Tiki's 20th year of continuous development.

Some Tiki releases were characterized by big new features, some by big revamps of existing features, and some by big interface upgrades. Tiki 25 is notable for advancing in all three of these ways.

This release is available for download or installation via git or Tiki Manager. The PHP requirement remains at version 7.4. See https://doc.tiki.org/Tiki25 for full details.

Many thanks to all who contributed to bringing Tiki 25 to completion at a challenging time, demonstrating the antifragility of our "wiki way" of software development.

Read on for more specifics about version 25 of Tiki.

End of service life approaching for Tiki 18 - what options do you have?

Gary Cunningham-Lee -

Tiki 18 LTS was first released in January of 2018 and so in January, 2023 it will reach the end of its service life. This means it will no longer be maintained by the Tiki Community, and no longer receive security fixes or feature updates. Tiki 18 users are urged to upgrade their site to the latest Tiki Long-Term Support (LTS) version. Organizations that for some reason choose to continue using Tiki 18 can seek professional enterprise support from a Tiki consultant.

Follow-up release: Tiki 24.2 - please update Tiki 24.1 websites

Gary Cunningham-Lee -

Tiki 24.2 was released on September 23, a quick but necessary update to the most advanced Tiki Long-Term Support version. Tiki 24.1 was released just a month ago, but websites using that version should be updated to version 24.2. We apologize for any inconvenience caused by the timing of this update.

Download information is at Get Tiki.

New Tiki Releases: 18.9 LTS, 21.6 LTS, 23.2 and 24.1 LTS

Gary Cunningham-Lee -

On August 23, 2022, Tiki 18.9 LTS, Tiki 23.2 and Tiki 24.1 LTS were released, and Tiki 21.6 LTS was released the next day. These releases bring functional enhancements, bug fixes and security updates.

Tiki 24.1 LTS has received improvements and enhancements in trackers, calendars, web mail, newsletters, toolbars, wiki structures (page sets), French translations and many other areas.

For Tiki 21.6 LTS, there was some cleanup of old code as well as miscellaneous minor fixes and enhancements.

For users of Tiki 23, the update includes improvements and fixes in wiki plugins, trackers, maps, CKEditor functions, and user registration, among others. This is essentially an end-of-life release so users of Tiki 23 should consider upgrading to Tiki 24.

Tiki 18 LTS was updated for probably the last time as it is approaching the end of its service life. For more information, please see End of service life approaching for Tiki 18 - what options do you have?.

The releases include a fix for a security vulnerability reported by Egidio Romano (aka EgiX), whom we deeply thank for his detailed report.

Download information is at Get Tiki.

Tiki 24 LTS Released

Gary Cunningham-Lee -
After several months of hard work, the latest long-term support version, Tiki 24, has been released. This version of Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware, which benefited from EvoluData's junior developer sponsorship program for a more coordinated approach to bug fixing, includes significant new features and numerous bug fixes and security enhancements. We are pleased to make Tiki 24.0 available at this time. Regular feature support will be provided for Tiki 24 via point releases until at least March 2024, and security updates until the end of the version's service life in March 2027. See the timeline on Lifecycle.

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