- Tiki's code contributions are up 100% compared to the previous year!
- TikiWiki 1.9.2 released
- The results of TikiFest UK 2
- New TikiLiveCD for Tiki2.0!
- The Community Worldmap is now Live!
- New TikiLiveCD released! (Tiki 3.0 beta1!)
- __YOU__ can help nominate TikiWiki for the SourceForge.net 2008 Community Choice Awards. Use this link to nominate TikiWiki (you'll need a SF.net account):
- TikiWiki 1.9rc3 released
- Nominate Tiki for the Open Source CMS Award
- TikiWiki 1.8.4 has been released!
- Tiki Celebrates 15th Birthday
- Januar Sicherheitswarnung
- Tiki 20.0 (codename Tarazed) Released!
- Message from Tiki.org about the Coronavirus Pandemic
- Tikiwiki 1.9.4 is released !
- Tiki 3.2 released
- TikiWiki Community-Radio
- TikiFest Paris 2024-05-31 to 2024-06-03
- Security Fix
- Tiki 18.4 and 19.2 Released
- Tiki 1.9.1 and 1.8.6 released!
- Security release
- TikiFest UK #2 has started!
- New home for tikiwiki.org
- Tiki wins the OSDir.com 2003 Editors Choice Award