Category: hide_columns_with_objects_category
Set child to hide the left or the right columns only by applying the category ... given, left (#col2) and right (#col3) modules all have param nocategory set to no_column_left or no_column_right
Show subcategories objects
- 43 about_tiki
- 6 Archives
- 13 communication_(public)
- 20 documentation_(need_revision)
- 23 feature_(need_revision)
- 4 getting_started_(need_revision)
- 76 help_(need_revision)
- 0 hide_columns_with_objects_category
- 1 teams_(public)
- 4 Templates
- 0 Tiki Consultants Provided Services
- 1 TikiUserGroups
- 0 unclear_(need_revision)