Features / Usability

Features / Usability

Forum and Log On Question

posts: 2

Hi Everyone,
I'm new to Tiki and just installed it on my PC and have 2 questions.

1) How do I set up forums? I see the option in my Admin tools and I select forums to be included and update the settings, yet when I click on the forum link in the left panel I get a message that forums were not selected as an option. When I go back to my settings, the forum option is magically deselected. What could be causing this and how do I fix it?

2) How do I set permissions of users. When I log in as a test user everything seems to be blocked since my test user apparently doesn't have permissions.

Any help or thoughts would be greatly appreciated, thanks :-D.

posts: 1092

2) permissions are set up at the first level in admin -> groups
If you didn't have load a set of perms at the install, you can always run a profile. A common profile is db/profiles/BasicEnabled.prf (it is a list of sql queries)

1) do you have the message "feature disabled"?
Whick tiki release?

posts: 1092

If you just installed tiki. Please choose 1.8xx. It is our stable release.
1.7 is no more maintained