

Tag consistancy

posts: 15 United States

Taken individually the wiki parsing tags make sense, but looked at as a whole in the eyes of a novice, they are a bit confusing.

Some are symetrical like -=text=-
other are more like html like ~n p~text~/n p~
some use one character like [link]
some use two characters like __text__
some use three like ===text===
and some are asymetrical like !!text
most work anywhere, but some only work if they start a new line.
Yet others are stand-alone like ---
then there is ~~Green:text~~

To me __ would make more sense for underline than bold. Regardless, you quickly run out of character pairs that would not appear in normal text, and which would make sense for a tag.

I do not suppose that there would be a use for a generalized module to change the parsing rules, but I would like to be able to plug in a modified set.

Personally, I prefer the HTML style, willing to type more characters to gain consistancy and more accurate parsing. I think I would go with the plugin grammer and have something like {UL} {/UL}.

I don't do php, but if someone could point out the appropriate files, maybe I could hack through them.


posts: 15 United States


Looking at the examples, though, it seems that doing it as a plug-in would have the following problems according to the comments:

1) the format would be {TAG()} {TAG} instead of {TAG} {/TAG}. I prefer the explicit ending tag to allow nesting.

2) tags would have to be in uppercase.

3) the opening tag would have to be followed with ()

4) I would like to disable some of the existing rules

posts: 1092
4) to disable rules, you have to go in lib/tikilib.php , the parse_data function. Good luck, it is a big fat function