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Features / Usability

hover mouse over link no popup after update

posts: 14 Austria

I updated from 1.8.3 to 1.9.
Now If I am moving my mouse over I link or a calendar entry I am getting no pupub window with the information.
Here on this site is also the version 1.9 and it works if I am moving the mouse over my username I am getting a dialog with my User information, on my system not.

Does somebody know that problem?

posts: 2881 United Kingdom

Depends on which 1.9 as currently it is not released code, and not suitable for production sites. YOu will need to tell us the date which you did your cvs checkout from cvs.sf.net

The RC's on SourceForge are very very buggy and certainly should not be used in any kind of production environment.

1.9 has a new community icon, which has options to control the mouseover on names.


posts: 14 Austria

I am using the This is Tiki v1.9 DR (Developer Release) 4 (CVS) -Sirius- and I checked it out on Wednesday 8th of Dezember.

The mouseover the names is not the important thing for me, the realy intresting one is the mouseover a calendar entry.


posts: 14 Austria

I installed now the 1.9RC3 and it is working fine with the calendar, I think I will use this solution.
But thanks a lot