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Architecture / Installation

Donation feature

posts: 179 France

Maybe that question has been evoked many times already, but maybe an update is necessary too.

Is there a good opensource system at the moment for donations?

In theory Paypal is excellent, but in practice, the fact that users have to register kills the donation process. I know geeks CAN use Paypal. In my userbase 1% will be able to.

Thus we need a sort of Paypal without registration process.

I think many communities would succeed in raising quite a few bucks from their supporters, and with that money support special developments and developpers.

posts: 2881 United Kingdom


All payment processing systems will need registration for security of the card details. secpay and others are all the same.

Some to tiki soon is Zen Cart to allow selling/managing donations whatever you want 😊 That shoiuld appear in mods sometime in January. Im just about to merge shop.damosoft.net and damosoft.co.uk using it.


posts: 21 United States

"Re: Donation feature" is at least the second post by Damian about getting Zen Cart to work with(in) TikiWiki. There was an earlier (separate) inquiry posted at Zen Cart, as well:

I suspect that if anyone has "kludged" a functional solution, many persons using TikiWiki would be keenly interested in learning about that experience. Personally, I will not need to make use of a shopping cart for a few months. Still, I am curious about the progress of this particular endeavor — by anyone. After all, Zen Cart appears to be a refined application branch from osCommerce.

I am aware of TikiIntegrator and LDAP possibilities (Login Config: http://doc.tikiwiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=Login+Config). However, the former appears to be for importing static HTML pages. The latter simply presents a centralized authentication mechanism.

Hopefully, someone has made progress in ensuring database table integrity and minimal Web site presentation redundancy from the wrapping of one application inside the other.

posts: 1092

tikiwiki doesn't have currently some feature like that. If you want, I think Damian did a partial integration for tikiwiki with zencart but yo will have to pay ; he is not an opensource guy. Otherwise you can have a look to bitweaver.org a tikiwiki fork with zencart feature.

posts: 179 France

Great news. I'm impressed by the amount of work going on.

I still fear that demanding a registration process in order to donate five Euros is too much for the kind of users I have.

How do they do on Online shops where you just have to enter your credit card data?