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Architecture / Installation

tempnam() leaves files in /tmp

posts: 13

I noticed every page access to my Tiki would leave an empty file in /tmp. I tracked this down to line 107 in tiki-setup.php, in TikiSetup::tempdir();

if (!$tempdir) {
$tempdir = dirnamefalse, ;

The file generated by tempnam() is obviously not removed. In my case, I simply "solved" this by always returning a static path for /tmp, but I'm guessing a "real" solution would involve cleaning this up (or use the /tmp configuration parameter ?).

posts: 224 Ireland

Seems like you have half solved the problem already. There's already a bug logged for it on the SF site: #798550. I suggest that you add your findings to the bug report and hope it will help the developers to fix the problem.



posts: 7 Australia

The fix change;

$tempdir = dirname....


$tempfile = tempnam( false, '' );
$tempdir = dirname( $tempfile );
unlink( $tempfile );

I have update the cvs .. will get the bug fixed too.


posts: 224 Ireland

Thanks Larry,

When you have updated the CVS with the bugfix then please also close the bug on SF. 😀

