Page breaks in Wiki Posted by takis vocolides 09 Sep 2003 19:18 GMT-0000 posts: 6 I need to make wiki pages more printable and tried to use the ...PAGE... tag. In pageview its ok but the printer friendly view ignores the page-break and the generated pdf also. Is there any other trick?
Posted by Pat VDV 09 Sep 2003 21:58 GMT-0000 posts: 224 That doesn't work in my Tiki v1.7 either. So it looks like the 'multi-page' feature hasn't been put in all areas where it could/should be applicable. You could log a bugreport for this on SF site. The only workaround you have I think is to use separate pages but to keep them somewhat organized together you could use a Wiki structure rather than loose pages. Regards, Pat.