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Architecture / Installation

All good but the tiki-index.php

posts: 8654 France


After a 5th try (thanks to toggg and ohertel ๐Ÿ˜‰) of CVS anonymous 1.9 install i begin to wonder if instead of trying to check what i do wrong i should not look at tikiwiki itself.

First all ownership (all set to my apache user & group), directory have been check forced recursived and rechecheck. (but another check can always be done ๐Ÿ˜ข)

Second and that is important all pages seams to work BUT tiki-index.php. It goes to a "The page cannot be displayed" on all other i can work with tikiwiki features, i can even edit the homepage with Wiki till i save my work where it hangs forever till i got the very same error.

Third going to tiki-index.php don't give a simple error but even crash my apache sometimes ! (debbug with gdb : http://rafb.net/paste/results/UAmgwD80.html)

I have cvs update several times since yesterday. I have even installed a previous working from bpf, then from a previous version tikiwiki of mine... same...

So, what is doing or looking tiki-index.php that other pages don't ???

posts: 1092

Is it only tiki-index.php or also tiki-index.pgp?page=one_page?
If it is only the first one, check your default tikiwki homepage .. a lot of palce to define it : admin-> general and admin->group ...

Perhaps your homepage has a wiki error (example 2 ~np without the ~/np...)
To avoid tikiparsing - i think - you can try directly tiki-editpage.php?page=your_homepage

posts: 8654 France

> Is it only tiki-index.php or also tiki-index.pgp?page=one_page?

I think it was a good question ! ๐Ÿ˜‰

So to obtain a max of infos, knowing that one_page wasn't existing i try it that way.

Is working fine, it ask me to create the page.
I wrote some rubbish, preview is ok, BUT save doesn't move the page at all.

I can see anyway that the page is existing throu wiki;list page but then again, i can't display it anymore. !

NOTE; for, now i don't get anymore "cannot dispay the page" the page simply don't move after a short reflexion (moz icon changing).

> If it is only the first one, check your default tikiwki homepage .. a lot of palce to define it : admin-> > general and admin->group ...

Yeah i have set my home to article (admin->general) to check this too, it is working perfect then.

> Perhaps your homepage has a wiki error (example 2 ~np without the ~/np...)
> To avoid tikiparsing - i think - you can try directly tiki-editpage.php?page=your_homepage

I not sure what you mean here, but as we saw above, tiki-editpage.php is working as ong as it don't go to tiki-index.php.

Thanks for your help ! ๐Ÿ˜•

posts: 8654 France

It is getting somewhere else...

While "Wiki feature" is deactivated the tiki-index.php show up well the "not activated" message.

When it is activated... the page don't move anywhere...


posts: 8654 France

> What is your PHP memory_Limit ? see art82

Hi Damian,

Well it is never bad to check, but i set it to 32m

I guess this is enought for an empty never used, tiki-index.php ๐Ÿ™„
Beside, al the rest is working.

posts: 47 France

> > What is your PHP memory_Limit ? see art82
> Well it is never bad to check, but i set it to 32m
> I guess this is enought for an empty never used, tiki-index.php ๐Ÿ™„
> Beside, al the rest is working.

Hi yoni !
Bloody I forgot to check that on irc!

I must say, that strangely, we fixed such segfault issue by jmj's bowling, (also debian) by

reducing the memory_limit from 32M down to 16M !

You could give it a try...

ร +
bertrand Gugger

posts: 8654 France

Tikiwiki got a problem with a certain configuration...

I have reinstalled Sarge/Apache/Php4/postfix/sasl/dovecot/dtc as clean as it can be and very slowly. Each step was tested.

And again, the very same problem with the ONLY tiki-Index.php... That i call a bug. ๐Ÿ˜Š

posts: 8654 France

Ok Thanks to a dev (thomas Goirand from www.gplhost.com) not implicated in the tikiwiki project i found what cost me 2 weeks and force me 3 debian re install !

Using debug line (see below cause you know that it is not my stuff) i surround the 2 lines in tiki-index.php that was crashing my apache.

Copy to clipboard

$fp = fopen("../tmp/logfile.txt","a+"); fwrite($fp,"Debug line ".LINE." file ".FILE."\n"); fclose($fp);

$contributors = $wikilib->get_contributors($page, $info'user');

$fp = fopen("../tmp/logfile.txt","a+"); fwrite($fp,"Debug line ".LINE." file ".FILE."\n"); fclose($fp);

Copy to clipboard

I guess it goes also to lib/wiki/wikilib.php where it geos on.

I have comment the fisrt line the homepage appears with an undefined error, i then comment the second, my home seams to work fine.


posts: 1092

Just FYI
I looked at the code contributors...
The code was very dangerous he was calling an internal function instead of the top function
I changed it in 1.9 cvs
If you can retry - it will be helpful
(or try in get_contributors to comment the line this->db->CacheSelectLimit)

posts: 8654 France

> Just FYI
> I looked at the code contributors...
> The code was very dangerous he was calling an internal function instead of the top function
> I changed it in 1.9 cvs
> If you can retry - it will be helpful
> (or try in get_contributors to comment the line this->db->CacheSelectLimit)

Just perfect...

Sylvie as always you solve that case !

I guess that i wasn't the only one to whom it may occurs so it is a good things done !
