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Features / Usability

Not getting Contact Us emails

posts: 2

I am presenting this problem also to out internet host. I installed TikiWiki via Fantastico and I am unable to recieve any emails via the Contact Us page. "admin" is the email contact user in the General setup and the email is setup correctly for admin in the user preferences.

The contact form submits and says the email was sent, but it never gets to the recipient. I put a plain PHP page on the site with a simple email script in it and the email went out fine, so I'm pretty sure it isn't some setting on the server causing the problem.

Does TikiWiki do something special with outgoing emails? I couldn't find anything close to this problem in the forums.

My host suggests that TikiWiki is sending the emails as "nobody" Their CGI email process won't let me send as anyone other than myself so I figure this may be the issue. Now I have to find out if that can be changed in TW

posts: 1092

Check the admin -> general -> Mail end of line:
Some MTA needs a LF ending .
Otherwise check admin->general->contac user, the email of the contact user

posts: 2881 United Kingdom


The Contact Us actually does not use outgoing mail servers so sylvies getting you to check the wrong things 😉

Check through the settings on ContactUsAnon and make sure that the Admin user if that is who the mails are going to has enabled their mailbox within their user preferences.

Hope it helps

posts: 2

All the email settings are exactly as suggested.
Contact Anon is selected on Features.
Admin is the Contact User.
The email address for Admin is correct in User Preferences.
Sender Email matches a legitimate email address set up for my domain.

Still doesn't work. I tried a few different email addresses. I might have to ditch TikiWiki for the time being.

posts: 2881 United Kingdom

> All the email settings are exactly as suggested.
> Contact Anon is selected on Features.
> Admin is the Contact User.
> The email address for Admin is correct in User Preferences.
> Sender Email matches a legitimate email address set up for my domain.
> Still doesn't work. I tried a few different email addresses. I might have to ditch TikiWiki for the time being.


The message by default doesnt get sent to an external email, it gets sent to "admins" internal Tiki messaging inbox.

Login as admin, open their MyTiki menu and choose the messages option.


posts: 1092
One more perhaps: Did you check : Allow messages from other users in the prefs of your contact user