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Title as Link in Header of Modules

I noticed that there are header titles that are in the form of link. For example: "Last Articles" and "Last Pages Modified", etc. [Note that this is not the case for the Top Articles, Top FAQs, etc.]

The use of "Link Title" in header of modules creates a problem in certain instances. As a link, it follows the color specified for links — not the color specified for header titles. In jailist.css the links are colored dark (almost black) and also those of the header titles for the modules.

I modified the jailist.css a bit so that the module header is colored dark blue and I changed the header module title color also to white — to match the header of the Articles module. However, the Link Titles in headers would remain black — creating an ugly contrast.

Which files do I change so that I can remedy the above, as follows:

  1. Make the Link Titles in header of modules also the same color as the other titles.
    This will involve specifying the color within the link
  2. Remove the link option in the header titles, so that they then follow the specifications in the CSS for header titles.
    I believe this is a better solution. To begin with, it is redundant to have link title for "Last Articles" and "Last Pages Modified", etc. because the pertinent information that is accessed when clicking on the Link Title is already in the module.



> ....
> Which files do I change so that I can remedy the above, as follows:
> #Make the Link Titles in header of modules also the same color as the other titles.

Modify the CSS file; there's a div.box-title > a, span.box-titletext > a selector.

> #Remove the link option in the header titles, so that they then follow the specifications in the CSS for header titles.

They are following the specifications now, as decided by the theme designer. You can either change the specification as mentioned above, or modify the template to remove the link. Each module has a .tpl file in the templates/modules directory. Remove the anchor tags from around the title.

> +I believe this is a better solution. To begin with, it is redundant to have link title for "Last Articles" and "Last Pages Modified", etc. because the pertinent information that is accessed when clicking on the Link Title is already in the module.

The point of the titles being links is that the pages they link to have more information than the module provides, both in detail per item and number of items. In this sense they aren't redundant; the module is more of a summary.

-- Gary zukakakina.com

United States

You can also simply edit the module's TPL file and remove the link. For my site's modules I simply includes a link at the end of the module instead of making the title clickable.



> Which files do I change so that I can remedy the above, as follows:
> #Make the Link Titles in header of modules also the same color as the other titles.
> +This will involve specifying the color within the link
> #Remove the link option in the header titles, so that they then follow the specifications in the CSS for header titles.
> +I believe this is a better solution. To begin with, it is redundant to have link title for "Last Articles" and "Last Pages Modified", etc. because the pertinent information that is accessed when clicking on the Link Title is already in the module.
> cgc0202

Wow, lots of good ideas provided here.

Thanks Gary and Rick. The thread though diverging a bit from the original intent, has provided some directions to what I wanted to do and answered a few questions I asked a few months ago. Perhaps, it may be because I am getting more used to the program — although so many things to learn.

The "How did they do it" is a good resource, in terms of customizing the wrapper of the main section of the tikiwiki page.

I found the modules.tpl also; but for now I decided not to touch them. As there are a number of .css that already solved the issue first raised. Also, as discussed by "Damian" in his revision of the moreneat.css — it may be best to start with a single simple template css and work from there; instead of attempting to revise all the gazillion css already in the switch theme module.

Now, if it is only possible to customize the "wrapper" as you go from one section to another, that would be best.

I have been busy the past week creating a "Family Album" to apply what I have learned so far here, as it is much easier than applying them to the "real applications" I have in mind for tikiwiki. I am not there yet because there are just so many features to learn — with several thousand pages of instructions. *smiles* Well, more definitely is better than no instructions — which I found frustrating in the other programs I am trying to use.

I may get back to this topic to clarify stuff or ask my questions in private.

Thanks to both of you again.


United States

> Rick,
> First, I have been poring through the templates. Which exactly is the template (.tpl) for "Last Article", "Last Modified Pages", for example. I cannot find them.

All the templates for the modules are in your /templates/modules directory. I suggest moving the modules you use into your own style's template: /templates/styles/YOUR_STYLE/modules

>However, I found "modules.tpl" and reviewing it, I was able to resolve how to remove those "arrows, triangles, etc." I know there are uses for them for non-admins, but I find them annoying and affect the layout in the header of modules. I decided to just leave the "square box" to be able collapse the modules. [Is that the bes solution?] Your suggestion above — though not related to another question I have — led me to a solution to a different issue and saved me from posting another question. Thanks.
> I am going to study the css of your organization's website this coming week. Is the .css there proprietary?

We hold published all our site's material under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license. Basically, feel free to use it as you wish with proper attribution and for non-commerical use. If you modify if it, you must publish your version under a simlar license.

We're actually getting ready to rebrand our entire site. The current CSS and TPLs really represent a 0.1 version — my first experience with TIKI. Now that I'm older and wiser 😉 I'm able to more completely customize what we want.

> [I understand it was based from "mose's"?] I have no background in scripting, and I am especially not that smart when it comes to "Smarty". Would it be possible to get the modifications you did with the tikiwiki program to achieve certain effects? [ While I do not have a background, I usually can look at an example, compare it with the oriiginal — then adapt the changes for stuff relevant to my own. Just like what Gary had been doing in the past.]

If you have a specific quesiton about any specific page let me know. There's also a How Did They Do It page you might be interested in reviewing.




> ... But, to be honest, as much as I like the "wiki concept" and its potential to foster a collaborative environment, I am not really as enthrused with the "chronological" arrangements and the separations of topics that may be related, in the Articles, Wikis, etc.

Tiki has many more things and info display methods than any one site needs; this is what makes it so flexible.

> I read about how the wiki program can integrate them, and in a sense that would be good because there would just be one "login" for all of them. The only problem that I see now is that TikiWiki is already very bulky. Also, for certain purposes, there are Calendar, Bulleting Board, Links Directory that are more advanced and are more rapidly being developed than those in the Tikiwiki.

There's no built-in way to integrate other programs with Tiki that have their own log-ins. You can "wrap" them visually in a page but that's it. You should look at Bitweaver if you're interested in extending Tiki by adding other programs that also need user authentication. Bitweaver is a fork of Tiki done by people who wanted it to be more modular and extendible.

> If you recall, you answered a question (left unanswered for quite awhile), about how I could just wrap the "main section" of tikiwiki" — for example the Articles, wikis, and some other features — with a generic pageheader and pagefooter that will provide the integrating navigating links for the Admin of Tikiwiki with the other programs I have in mind.
> At the time, the solution was not fully satisfactory. What I need is a navigation link that will direct me to separate page — with the links to all the components of the "Admin found" in the "mnu_application_menu".

Well, it's easy to make a wiki page that contains the links you want, or a wiki page with the admin menu in a module, and give it Admin-only access (and its menu link admin-viewable only). No special templates, etc. are needed for that.

> The link provided by Rick here may just have the solution to it. The page he showed:
> http://www.keycontent.org/tiki-index.php
> Their website has some features of the tikiwiki, but the admin stuff, and certain other features of tikiwiki need not be shown as "modules" in the page.

Sure, no need to show those to non-Admin users. You can make any admin modules viewable to admin only, too, if you want. Then you'll see them but non-Admins won't.

-- Gary - zukakakina.com