

Newbie Page Creation Question

United States

I'm interested in using the articles page as the home page for my site. However, I'd like to have a block of fixed content at the top; just like the welcome page of tikiwiki (http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-index.php) so that fixed content is at the top, and articles stack up below that.

What's the best way to do this for a newbie? How can I learn about TPLs, CSS, Layouts to better customize my site?

Any help appreciated.



Use the Articles plugin in a wiki page. Edit the page normally to input whatever text, etc. you want at the top, then add "{ARTICLES(max=>3,topic=>topicName)}{ARTICLES}", configured with the number of articles you want to display and the topic. ("Topic" here means "news", "announcements", etc. — as set on the Articles Admin Topics page (tiki-admin_topics.php).)

For info about templates, CSS and so on, visit themes.tikiwiki.org. You're already registered there (via the Intertiki feature), so you can just log in if you want.

-- Gary - zukakakina.com

United States

> Use the Articles plugin in a wiki page. Edit the page normally to input whatever text, etc. you want at the top, then add "{ARTICLES(max=>3,topic=>topicName)}{ARTICLES}", configured with the number of articles you want to display and the topic. ("Topic" here means "news", "announcements", etc. — as set on the Articles Admin Topics page (tiki-admin_topics.php).)
> For info about templates, CSS and so on, visit themes.tikiwiki.org. You're already registered there (via the Intertiki feature), so you can just log in if you want.
> — Gary - zukakakina.com

Thanks. I'll give it a try when I get back from biz travel.