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Features / Usability

Automatic group change on payment

posts: 45 United Kingdom

Can anybody advise how I might automate the addition of a user to a group on receiving a Paypal payment. Can I set Tiki to receive a payment confirmation email and then add the user with that email address to the "Paid Members" group?



posts: 4667 Japan

I don't think Tiki can do this as is. Probably this would require additional coding, so maybe a Tiki Expert can be enlisted for the job (somewhere at this site there's a page listing these people).

By the way, it seems there's a problem with paths at your site. At www.northnorfolkenvironmentforum.org.uk, only the index page will show, and the images and stylesheet file aren't working due to path problems. There's an extra "tiki-index.php/" in the URLs. If this is deleted from site addresses, the pages, etc., load fine (though the frameset gets replaced as the Tiki files are displayed directly). Maybe a server name adjustment on the Admin General page will fix the path problem.

-- Gary