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Structure PDF output -- should it make whole structure into pdf?

posts: 4

According to the documentation "If the pdf-creation feature is enabled, selecting the 'pdf' icon whilst viewing a structure page will populate the pdf document with the relevant wiki pages from the structure. (chris.holman: Aliases and toc items dont work at present" ... but when I select the PDF icon on any given structure page, or the top page itself, all I get is a pdf of that page.

Am I misunderstanding how this should work?

posts: 80 Austria

> According to the documentation "If the pdf-creation feature is enabled, selecting the 'pdf' icon whilst viewing a structure page will populate the pdf document with the relevant wiki pages from the structure. (chris.holman: Aliases and toc items dont work at present" ... but when I select the PDF icon on any given structure page, or the top page itself, all I get is a pdf of that page.
> Am I misunderstanding how this should work?
pdf creation isn't working at all 👻

posts: 30

> According to the documentation "If the pdf-creation feature is enabled, selecting the 'pdf' icon whilst viewing a structure page will populate the pdf document with the relevant wiki pages from the structure. (chris.holman: Aliases and toc items dont work at present" ... but when I select the PDF icon on any given structure page, or the top page itself, all I get is a pdf of that page.
> Am I misunderstanding how this should work?

It should create a pdf for the whole structure. However, I have encountered a few anomolies, and they may be style sheet or theme related. While using the tiki theme, I encountered the same problem as andrewhinton - the pdf only included the current wiki page. I tried switching to the tikineat style, and the pdf was created for the entire structure. I have had better luck using firefox than IE. Firefox displays the pdf and lets me save it. IE just shows me a blank page, and sometimes freezes. In all cases I see some anomolous characters (mostly ">") showing up in the pdf pages. Also, it looks like it procsses .jpg and .gif files, but .png files do not appear.

posts: 80 Austria

The pdf feature isextremely buggy 😢
We'd love to just save a wiki page as pdf with the layout saved.
But it begins taht there is no pdf file created, but a file called "tiki-export_pdf.php" which is not understood by Browser to be saved/dowlnloaded as pdf. Which in turn just displays binary information in the browser window.
Fortunately we have adobe pdf printer abut it's an inconvinient solution.

posts: 30

> We'd love to just save a wiki page as pdf with the layout saved.
> But it begins taht there is no pdf file created, but a file called "tiki-export_pdf.php" which is not
> understood by Browser to be saved/dowlnloaded as pdf. Which in turn just displays binary information
> the browser window. Fortunately we have adobe pdf printer abut it's an inconvinient solution.

AFAIK, the name of the URL "tiki-export_pdf.php" shouldn't matter, as long as the response header contains "Content-Type: application/pdf". As I understand it, the web browser should inspect the content type and invoke the appropriate content handler, which should be the Adobe Acrobat reader, if it is installed. When I use Firefox browser with the Adobe Acrobat Reader 7.0, it works just fine. The Acrobat reader displays the pdf and lets me save the file to my PC as a .pdf. If the browser does not have a PDF reader plugin registered, I would expect the browser to open a save file dialog. I am not sure why this does not work with IE.