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Architecture / Installation

Problem: Forum replies do not show up

posts: 19 Germany


after having upgraded from Tiki 1.8.3 to 1.9.5 AND moving to a new hosting environment, I was happy to see that my site (http://www.eidolons-inn.net) still worked. However:

It seems that I have lost all replies to topics in the forums! Nothing shows up anymore in the topics, expect the initial topic message. However, in the forum overviews, I still see the number of replies and information like "last post from ...".

I checked - the replies are stored correctly in the tiki_comments table and appear to be linked correctly through the threadId/parentId columns.

The problem does not only pertain to new posts after the migration, but it applies to ALL posts in the forums (i.e. only the parent topics are displayed, NO REPLIES WHATSOEVER). 😑

Any idea what might be the problem?


posts: 19 Germany


I "solved" the problem. We had a custom tiki-view_forum_thread template.
It turned out that this changed quite significantly from 1.8.3 to 1.9.5.
After using the one from 1.9.5, everything worked fine again. 😊

Eidolon of Eidolon's Inn