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Can different pages have the same name?

posts: 2

I'm about as newbie as can be. Sorry. I'm sure this is a lame question.

I keep my programming notes on tikiwiki. Seemed like a good use for a wiki rather than having them spread out across notebooks or random files on my hard drive. I have two links on the main page:


I had a link "file operations" under Java, and just now created a link to "file operations" under Perl and found that it now points to "java/file operations". So I guess a Wiki namespace is "flat".

Is there a way to have a page named "file operations" under Java and another page named "file operations" under perl?

Or is the best thing to do is name the pages "java file operations" and "perl file operations"?

How can I create a "disambiguation page" like Wikipedia has, where if I type "file operations" it'll show me all pages relevant to file operations of the different languages I'm keeping notes about?

Many Thanks!

posts: 4666 Japan

Tiki's wiki pages have unique IDs that can be used in IRLs so I think theoretically pages could have the same name. But most internal addresses, like tiki-editpage.php, use the name rather than the ID, so requests for same-name pages would probably always turn up the first one found in the query. I think what people have been doing is using some appended term, like "java" as you suggested, to distinguish the pages.

I suggest using Tiki's "structures" feature to organize your pages, as it works especially well where there's a clear pattern for page content. When you add pages to a structure, they can have an alias, so your pages could be in a hierarchy with java and perl two branches (children), and the "java file operations" page and "perl file operations" page could both have the alias "file operations". (Structures use page reference IDs rather than page names for navigation.) The "Display page title" option could be turned off and the structure navigation at the top of each page could be its identification. Actually I think structures would definitely be the way to go for this application.

You can either add pages to a structure after they are made, or make a structure in the form of an outline initially, which will create all the empty pages as specified by the structure. See doc.tikwiki.org/Structures Admin, and post again if you have specific questions.

About a disambiguation page, I don't know a way for that to happen automatically. If "Similar" is activated on the Admin Wiki page, then the "similar" link on a page will turn up pages with similar names, which can help. Tiki's 404 error page will also suggest similar-named pages if a URL isn't quite right.

-- Gary - themes.tw.o

posts: 1

Hello chibaguy,
I'm a newbie and I've had the same problem as described, and I've tried to use "structure". I've created 2 pages beeing in different structures and having different ID, but having the same alias :
- Structure1 : "Homepage1" page, having "Homepage" alias
- Structure2 : "Homepage2" page, having "Homepage" alias
I would like that when your are within structure1, link to "Homepage" alias redirect to "Homepage1" page and when you are within structure2, link to "Homepage" alias redirect to "Homepage2" page.

My problem : I did not succeed in making a link to an alias 😢 Do you know how to do that ?

Note that I would like that structure is end-user transparent, that means that user use wiki within a structure as if they where in a normal wiki.

posts: 1817 Catalan Countries

In addition:

> How can I create a "disambiguation page" like Wikipedia has, where if I type "file operations" it'll show me all pages relevant to file operations of the different languages I'm keeping notes about?

You can use TITLESEARCH Plugin. See through "Wiki help > Show Plugins Help" under any wiki page edition. Search for "file operations", and all the pages you are interested in (having those words in the title) will be listed there... in simple format or in a table...


posts: 56 China

Let's discuss further: What if we DO need same pagenames for two different pages belonging to two different structures respectively?

I'm a newbie here too. So please allow me describe my problem in detail:

I built a wiki with Tikiwiki v2.2 recently. I want to publish some books on this wiki for other people to translate them. But, you know, nearly each book has a page named Preface, and Table of Contents as well.

When I creating the second structure, Tiki warned me that "Note that the following pages are also part of another structure", that means, I have several duplicate pagenames, but they really has different contents.

I hate to add extra word as appended pagename to distinguish those duplicate pagenames, because that will influence the whole book layout and later PDF output. That may confuse our translators too.

So, I really hope the Tikiwiki official tech team can solve this issue for ever. Wikibook feature is very useful for online collaborative translation jobs. But if I can't use same pagenames for two different pages in different books, how can I have more than one book inside Tikiwiki?

Thank you very much!

posts: 4666 Japan

In TikiWiki, page names must be unique. If you use structures, then your pages can have aliases, which are shown at the page top in place of the actual name. These aliases don't need to be unique, so you can have, for example, "Preface" at the top of more than one page. Some sites use the page description rather than page name, at page top. These also don't need to be unique. If these don't meet your needs — if you must have the page names themselves displayed — then I'm afraid TikiWiki isn't the right tool for the job.

-- Gary

posts: 14

Thank you guys for the insightful discussion.

I recently also built a site using tiki 2.2 and I was also trying structure. What I found is if you open the page in regular wiki page, the title shows the actual wiki page name. But if you open the structure and navigate to that page, it shows the alias of wiki page. This basically means if you visit the same page by different means you, as a viewer, can see different page title if the page name and the page alias are different.

Isn't this confusing? Or did I miss something?

btw, I love structure in tikiwiki!

posts: 4666 Japan

There's an "open page as structure" option on the wiki admin page. Try activating that to force the page to always be shown as a structure member.

-- Gary

posts: 56 China

Quote from Gary:

In TikiWiki, page names must be unique. If you use structures, then your pages can have aliases, which are shown at the page top in place of the actual name. These aliases don't need to be unique, so you can have, for example, "Preface" at the top of more than one page. Some sites use the page description rather than page name, at page top. These also don't need to be unique. If these don't meet your needs — if you must have the page names themselves displayed — then I'm afraid TikiWiki isn't the right tool for the job.

If Tiki requires to use unique page names mandatoryly, Then how will you publish books with Tikiwiki?

I like the Page Translation feature of Tiki, so I want to use Tiki as the online collaborative translation platform. For example, I want to publish a whole book with Structure, then our translator team can translate each page of this book via Tiki.

You know, even inside a same book, there maybe some pages have the same name, such as Summary, each chapter may have a page named Summary.

If a book has 20 chapters and each chapter has a Summary page, how can I distinguish those pages all named Summary?

BTW, if you think Tiki is not suitable to do such a job, can you recommend some other web application that can do this?

To be frank, I really hope the Tiki team can work out a perfect solution to allow Tiki being used to publish Books.

Thank you very much.

posts: 4666 Japan

Again, the answer depends on where and how the page "title" is displayed. I don't know what a "book" published with TikiWiki requires in terms of page title. If the description (set on the admin wiki page) or alias (created with structures) will work, then there's no problem — these can be done now with TikiWiki. I don't know offhand what other software would be better for publishing. Maybe you could check wikimatrix.org or cmsmatrix.org or just Google to find the answer to that question.

-- Gary

posts: 56 China

OK, thanks to Gary. I will try to use alias.

Hope this will help me to publish books.