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Custom Share Module 0.1dev

Community and *.tiki.org site organization

Community and *.tiki.org site organization

Trapped in a broken style

posts: 17 United States

A couple of years ago I changed the default page style for my login on tikiwiki.org. Back then there was a module option on the side bars. Now the module is no longer on the side bar and the style I'm using does not show the top menus (white text on white background). So I have a couple of questions:

  • Why the decision to remove the style module?
  • Can I access the style module some other way (user modules seem to be turned off also)
  • Can an admin reset my style to the latest site default?

posts: 1633 Canada

> *Why the decision to remove the style module?

Maybe it was me. I don't know/remember. But I think I did restrict the list of themes to only ones I knew worked well.

Theme experimentation should be done at http://themes.tikiwiki.org

> *Can I access the style module some other way (user modules seem to be turned off also)

Try user preferences

> *Can an admin reset my style to the latest site default?

I could but I prefer to make sure you can fix.

M 😉