Features / Usability

Features / Usability

Getting "reply" not to quote previous text

posts: 1

Hi Everyone,

I tried a forum search but couldn't find anything... hopefully someone knows how to do this?

Is there a way to get the reply button not to quote previous text?
By default, when you click on reply, it adds the text of the previous post into your reply


posts: 1

I would also like to get rid of the quote previous message. I see that it doesn't appear in this particular forum.

Anyone know how to do this?

posts: 5

I've searched the forum and I cannot find a posted solution to this either. Obviously this is possible, given that this forum does not behave in that way, but to constantly show (and have to remove) quoted replies is frustrating, especially when you want to see a continuous stream of discussion.

Is there a 'boxed' solution to this, or will I need to delve into the base code?

Thank you,

posts: 4656 Japan

There's an out-of-the-box solution for this. (It wouldn't be good to use custom code for tikiwiki.org if the point is demoing the software. smile) On the admin forums page (tiki-admin.php?page=forums), under "Forum Features" activate "Reply posts are empty". (I'm hoping this will be more configurable in the future. Personally, I'd like to see reply posts empty by default but have a button on the reply form to have the previous post pasted in as a quote.)

-- Gary

posts: 5

That is deceptively simple. Thank you; I was wondering what that flag was for, it just did not dawn on me to try it!
