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Features / Usability

Blog as Home Page

posts: 257 United States

Using a blog as a home page has been confusing in the Tikiwiki documentation. I've done it but I have one remaining problem: when I navigate to the site I get the blog but if I hit "Home" in the Main Menu it brings me to a page called "HomePage".

Here's what I did to set up the blog as the home page:
1. Enabled blogs in Features.
2. Created a blog
3. Went to the Blog List and chose the main blog edit (the little wrench and scrwewdriver "edit" icon next to the word "Blogs" above the list of blogs -not the individual blog "edit icon in the blog I created.)
4. Under Home Blog admin it showed the blog title I created but I actually had to click the "ok" button before the blog title (not just "Blogs") would show up in the Admin/General/ Home Page drop down list.
5. Went to Admin/General/GeneralPreferences and chose the Blog name (which now shows up in the drop down list) and hit Change Preferences.

Now when you go to the Tiki URL it uses the blog as the home page. However hitting Home in the Main Menu brings you to a page named HomePage. In Admin/Wiki/Wiki Home Page I tried changing the page name from HomePage to the URL for the blog but it just creates a wiki page with the url as the page name.

How can I get the Home link in the Main Menu to go to the blog home page I set?

(This is a install which is all Fantastico will let me install right now without me having to manually ftp install the newest version)

posts: 3665 United States

Hmm... sounds like that should have worked. Maybe a bug?

A quick fix:

  • Edit your menu (tiki-admin_menus.php).
  • Change the Home Page menu option to be: tiki-view_blog.php?blogId=XXXX


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posts: 257 United States

Thanks Rick,

Yeah, it should have. This has happened on a few different installs and it's not really a big deal as I hide the main application menu from everyone but admins and one other group. I replace it with another simpler module with links to Home, file and image galleries, etc.