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Custom Share Module 0.1dev

LDAP / Active directory

LDAP / Active directory

LDAP not working after Apache-Update

Dear community,

i just updated Apache, MySQL etc. with TikiWiki and found out that the LDAP/AD Login is not working:
When i Login, the anonymus page appears and the login-module as well. By putting in User/Pass the url changed to the login-user page, but the Login-Module stays and appears in the in the main page as well (because only registerd users may see it)
I checked to LDAP-Communication by editing \tiki\lib\pear\Auth\Container\LDAP.php in line 441 ($this->options'debug') to true

281: Connecting with host:port
288: Successfully connected to server
292: Switching to LDAP version 3
306: Switching LDAP referrals to true
312: Binding with credentials
325: Binding was successful
548: UTF8 encoding username for LDAPv3
574: Searching with ldap_search and filter (&(sAMAccountName=exampleuser)(objectClass=*)) in ou=europe,dc=xnet,dc=oe,dc=examplehost
581: User was found
636: Bind as CN=exampleuser,OU=users,OU=ode,OU=europe,DC=xnet,DC=oe,DC=examplehost
640: Bind successful
650: Authenticated
0: disconnecting from server

I also found out it got something to do with the Apache Server because when i use the old apache installation it works.

The only thing different is the module php_sdo_das_xml.dll from the PHP-Module, which was replaced by php_sdo.dll refering to the php-documentation.

It seems that the transfer from PEAR to Tiki with the login-information is not working correct.

Can someone help me out with that?

Before (LDAP Working)
Apache 2.2.2
MySQL 5.0.21
PHP 5.1.4 + PHP 4.4.2-pl1 + PEAR

After (LDAP not working)
Apache 2.2.9
MySQL 5.0.51b
PHP 5.2.6 + PHP 4.4.9 + PEAR

Thank you for your help


United States

Kai, I'm not sure how to advise you. From the LDAP log it appears everything is working fine. There is a bind, a search and a bind (the final bind is the actual auth). That implies Tiki is configured correctly, LDAP with tiki is correct and that php is working.

One thing to note. tiki ships with PEAR. And for your version of tiki, I believe it is pretty old. You might want try uninstalling your PEAR install to ensure it is not conflicting with tiki's.


Dear Greg,

i found out that it might be related to the modules in PHP and the different Version inside the Apache-Packet.
I'll also try to uninstall PEAR inside the Apache-Package see what happens...


United States

Kai, please post back with your findings. Perhaps others will walk the same path in the future.



nothing new from the Pear/LDAP problem. Still using the old apache cause there is currently no time for trubleshooting!
